Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hunting experience

Today I went Turkey hunting with my dad. We did not shoot anything, but hopefully tommorow we will have better luck. When I stood up after we were done hunting i could barely walk because my boots were so full of water. It was a good thing I wore a pair of camoflouge waders, other wise I would be a walking swimming pool. My dad did not wear waders and guess what happened, he was waddling the whole way back.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh the joys of doing school

whooooooooa boy. I am losing my mind. Today I had to do two math lessons of algebra, and write a two page fictional diologue. My brain is practically fried right now. For those of you who are like me and have no clue to what a fictional diologue is, it is two or three fictional characters you create that talk about a problem but never actually state the problem.well I better fnish my diologue, I guess I am done until tommorrow.